Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Breaking the silene of woods

dashing on the strong black horse

ignoring the nature and nature

I rushed to reach my lover

Thrice a year ago right from the word 'hello'

I knew her ,and now like heart of my heart

oh! my beauty , I want you as mine

for you stole my heart withyour sweet words n' voice

Though not near, I see you in near and real

for you are like sweet smelling rose in ma garden

Though not near , I touch you with ma heart

for you are in the letters which you blessed me with.

Oh! my beauty, my heart is full of thoughts of you

you are in me in all my breath

when I clse my eyes you are closer to me

you are mine , mine and mine alone

But, nights wont seee the shining of sun

dads wont see the love of their daughter

he plucked her from me and planted beyond sea

so cruel. so heart breaking and so.....

But I'm like the lochinvar who come out of west

So daring in love and so dauntless in war

I'm not self spoking but just speaking you

I ran and flew over mountains and oceans to

seee her,see my love, see my beauty,to see my heart

There she is ,in the window step

weaping and worrying like a widow looking at the meadow

I whistilled and she wonderd

we talked for a while with both our eyes

stealthly she stepped , but stopped by the watch

I rushed into there and dashed into his face

snathched ma shining pearl beneth steal swards

and swiftly we shifted on back of my black horse.

In a beat rivers and mountains wre left

but coulnot pass the chase of the watch men

like the stormy severe november rain

they sent us a storm of shining arrows

Black of my horse became red of blood

yet he kept us on track,though cold and pain bite severly

miles were covered but their munds didnt changed

at extrem, in pain ,my black beauty gave up the game and life..

Heart to heart we were close even when fell down

the soldiers of life were closer around us

the roaring laugh of death,the end was echoing in my ears

swards were raised. I kept her closer and my eyes closed

But silence of peace , filled there for a while

and then voice of my mummy echoed

" child get up its already 6 am

dont you have school today?".................

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