Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I had a bath , only a few minutes beforeBut I was sweating severly.I It was raining out at that time I .I drank enoungh water , but my thirst didnot go. My hands and legs were shivering.. whole body was energy less..

You may be thinking that I mght be preparing to meet any girl.

No, you are mistaken.

It happened a few hours before my exam.

Not full heartedly, but due to my parents pressure ,I went to school. on the whole way I have been remembering the days before the exam.

"when the teacher teach us . I didnt use to look at the board or the teacher, instead I used to look at the people sitting at the other side of the class room. I remembered the rockets I have made during the physics periods, the dreams I saw in the maths period,the days I copied my homeworks from my friends, the classes I skipped and went to cinema etc.All those I recollected with a sigh. , witha a feeling of guilty I remembered the words of my teacher" If you go like this , you will suffer in the exam"

By this time my bus reached my school.I got down from it very slowly and silently, I walked to my class. My head was bowed and my eyes were looking at my feet .I felt something got stuck in ma throat , no sound was coming from my throat.

I entered the class room and had a look at everybodies face.There was a feeling of complete satisfaction in everybodies face, as they have studied well. I sat quiet for sometime. Suddenly I jumped like a spring as I got an idea. I look two chocalates from my pocket and gave to the girl who sat next to me and told her " If you help me in the exam I will give you 100 like this." ,she agreed it.as she was a chocalate freek

Exam started , Now I dont have any tensions that I had early.I put margins and put my paper infront of me. Although my paper was infront of me , my eyes was on the paper next to me. I started writing each and everything on my paper as she wrote in her paper.

As time passed I too finished each questions..

But suddenly something stuck on my hand which stopped mu writing .I looked what it was. I became frozen by seeing it. Yes, it was my teacher who caught my copying..

She took my paper and went . I begged her not to take it. But no use. I sat motionless, not knowing what to do, cold was eating me from bottom to top . I thought about its consequences

"Being taken to principals room . getting beatings, calling parents..."

oh ! I cant even imagine.

I didnt even had the courage to look her face.

Every body in the room was looking at me

But a few seconds later she began to laugh. the laughter became more and more .I too was wondered as others, not knowing what was happening..

I looked her with enthusiasm.She came near me. I thought she was gooing to ask me to meet principal. But she asked me to write "MY NAME IS SUSHANTH" 1000 times..

I wondered what happend to this poor lady..Then she showed me my paper...

it was..



AGE: 16




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